As master carver, Peter is the
man responsible for the humorous Treasure Jest series. His works
have captured the attention of collectors worldwide, although interestingly
he has had no formal arts training.
Born in 1960 in Hereford, England, he first picked up
a piece of modeling clay at the age of three but didn't pursue sculpting
for nearly thirty years. He worked odd jobs during his youth, and when
he fell short of money he painted china, a craft he had acquired when
he worked as a ceramic artist at Boehms of Malvern.
In 1990 Peter experienced a stroke of good fortune.
By that time Martin had realised he needed to hire a master carver for
Antiquark and was interviewing for the position. Michael Tandy, Peter's
friend, was one of the candidates and asked Peter to accompany him on
the interview. As his friend was leaving the interview with the promise
to carve some samples, Peter whispered to Martin that he thought he could
carve a couple too. Michael returned with "The Ram" and what
was later known as "Who'd A Thought." Peter brought a series
of six ducks, four of which later became part of the Harmony Kingdom "Large
Treasure Jest" series.
By 1992 Peter was earning a modest income from his carvings
for Antiquark and from painting china. However, he felt it was time to
embark on a "real" career, so he enrolled in a university journalism
course. It is here where he met his wife Andrea, who was also studying
journalism. By 1994 they were planning their wedding, which took place
in September 1995. Many box figurines from this time are encrypted with
wedding references. Both Peter and Andrea love wildlife, so their honeymoon
was spent on a South African safari, which also figures prominently in
some of his pieces.
Peter and Andrea live a bucolic
life in the English countryside. They share their home with "Spike"
the cockatiel, Peter's beloved dog Murphy, and a small ginger coloured
cat named "LG" for Little Ginger, whose "pet" name
is "Algy." Andrea is a great sport in letting Peter reveal in
his art private details of their lives together and that of Peter's former
girlfriends. One notable girlfriend that is referenced in a number of
pieces is Zoe Bain, whom Peter met while taking a computer course at a
London university nearly twenty years ago.
Thank goodness Peter gave up his journalistic
aspirations. He works full-time as Harmony Kingdom's most prolific and
well-recognised master carver. We can still enjoy his writings in the
quarterly column "Planet Calvesbert" in Harmony Kingdom's newsletter
"The Queen's Courier."