Also in 1989, two college
mates from the U.S. formed their fledgling business, Harmony Ball Company.
Noel and Lisa met in 1982 as freshmen at Brown University in Providence,
Rhode Island. They both studied filmmaking and film theory, though Noel's
emphasis was on the visual and Lisa's was on writing. They collaborated
on many projects, including "Harmony Magazine," a satirical
"politically incorrect" underground magazine which led to Noel's
dismissal from the university for one year and a write-up in the New York
After graduation Lisa
and Noel temporarily went their separate ways. Lisa wrote for a newspaper
in New England, while Noel worked as a motorcycle messenger in New York
City. By 1988 Noel and Lisa decided it was time to take a break from their
routines and embark on a new adventure. That October, Noel headed to Columbus,
Ohio in his rusty Toyota Chinook camper to pick up his old friend. The
two continued southward into the heart of Mexico with $1500, a couple
changes of clothing, and the desire for adventure. They arrived in Patzcuaro,
Mexico on November 1 during the holiday "El Dia De Los Muertos"
(The Day of the Dead) and fell in love with the playful satirical "calaveras"
made by Mexican artisans from clay, wood, paper mache, and sugar to commemorate
the dead.
Spurred on by the kindness
of the people and the intriguing folk art, Noel and Lisa travelled from
region to region in Mexico. After a month, they had filled the camper
with unique treasures from tiny villages throughout central and southern
Mexico, and returned stateside to sell some of their finds in flea markets
in and around New Orleans, Memphis, and Atlanta. At this time, Noel and
Lisa decided to form a company, The Here After, which was to be a 24-hour
coffee shop, movie house and purveyor of odd little trinkets from around
the world. They also decided to repeat the trip the following year.
A year later, Noel and
Lisa travelled to Taxco, the sterling silver capital of Mexico. Here they
found a small handful of marble-sized chiming balls. On their trip home
through the flea market circuit the balls were extremely popular, much
more than the painted, fragile clay figurines had been the year before.
They decided to have the craftspeople that made the chiming spheres enhance
them with overlay designs of nature themes and attach bails so that they
could be worn as pendants. Baby rattles, key chains, bracelets and earrings
soon followed, and The Here After was officially incorporated in June
1991, dba The Harmony Ball Company. Business was so brisk that the coffee
shop and movie house were left by the wayside. Instead the company's mission
was to find unusual and creative trinkets and crafts from around the world
to be sold in the U.S.
moved from Brooklyn to Columbus in March 1991, and The Harmony Ball Company
(HBC) office was set up. By 1992 HBC was a multi-million-dollar business
that employed 400 Mexican artisans. The next HBC sensation, which came in
1993, was the Love Letter. These sterling silver cubes with letters and
symbols were such a phenomenon that they were copied within a few months.
Next came Birthstone Kids, but the same fate befell them. Jewellery was
nearly impossible to copyright, so new items were constantly needed. Running
a fast-growing business, innovating new products, and producing and marketing
them quickly before they could be copied proved extremely challenging. At
its height HBC offered over 3,000 jewellery items with pieces made throughout
the U.S., Mexico, Thailand, Italy, and Germany. When Noel and Lisa met Martin
in 1994, they were not yet 30 years old but felt almost like seasoned pros.
Today, the stateside headquarters
of Harmony Kingdom is located in a turn-of-the-century warehouse listed
on the National Historic Register in downtown Columbus, Ohio.