S e c r e t s
Master Carver Peter Calvesbert revisits the hippo theme after a twelve year hiatus. The sweet and simple “It’s A Fine Day” was released in 1993. “Spa Treatment” is a very different take on this behemoth creature, with naturalism, humor and secrets loading it down. “The Ashes” and “2-1” inscribed on the lid refer to the riveting English and Australian cricket match that gripped Peter and the entire country during the carving of the piece. England was up 2-1, and if the third match came up a win, they would take back the coveted “ashes” – the remains of a burnt bail presented to the English after beating the Australians on the 1882/83 Australian tour. But Australia has not lost in twenty years! “Flanders” and “Swann” refer to singer songwriters whose most famous song was about a hippopotamus: “. . .mud, mud, glorious mud. . .”. Inside, crocodile heads are seen poking up. Peter couldn’t decide whether he’d rather swim across a crocodile or hippo infested river. |