S e c r e t s
The 2011 annual shrink-wrapped event piece depicts two smooching warthogs, with sprigs of mistletoe. “Smooch Fest” bears three inscriptions on the inner lid. “Sounder” refers to a group of warthogs. “Growler” is the scheming young warthog of Lion King fame. “Phacochoerus Porkus” is Peter’s Latin interpretation of the species. “A10” on the base is a reference to the American tank busting jet, also known as the warthog. Lift the lid to see a warthog enjoying a mud bath with his rubber duck. The standard “Smooch Fest” is created in an edition of 245. There are a mere 35 of the color variation, each with brown tint and golden tusks. The mold variation, with an edition of 70, has been Santafied. Because warthogs live in Africa, it would be far too hot to wear a full Santa suit so Peter’s is wearing a Santa hat, woolly waistcoat and sweat bands. One very special, one-of-a-kind “Smooch Fest” is part of the 351 piece edition, hand-painted by Peter and bedecked in jewels. |