S e c r e t s
“Pins and Needles” depicts the weird and wonderful Echidna, an egg laying mammal that looks like a hedgehog with an extra long snout. Peter chose to carve this creature as it reminded him of a certain master carver – the one with bad hair and a big nose. He also found two other physical traits impressive. The Echidna’s back feet face the wrong way, and its penis is four-headed! Echidna is Greek for “she viper", and in Greek mythology it is depicted as a monster that is half woman and half snake. The interior of this very limited box figurine is filled with ants and termites that make up the Echidna’s diet. For the few who collect only those HK models with beer cans (likely the same set who would appreciate the unusual anatomical feature), “Pins & Needles” is a must-have. |