S e c r e t s
This edition of 300 depicts the Robber crab, the largest land dwelling arthropod. Peter is often asked where his ideas come from, and his default answer is typically “I don’t remember”. But this time, he does. He dreamed about the Robber crab and took it as a sign to carve one. One of the images he used for reference came from a story of a couple’s 580 mile, five day sailing trip from Bali to Christmas Island. It sounded like a terrific adventure, but made Peter’s life sitting in the shed seem rather tame. Even though he says he is “all at sea” most of the time, it’s not quite the same! The interior portrays a crab in a life preserver, as the adult adapts to life on land and will drown in water. It is thought they can live for fifty years, if they can avoid man for that long. Perhaps one reason for their early demise is that they are considered an aphrodisiac by island peoples. |