S e c r e t s
The Kakapo is a flightless nocturnal parrot from New Zealand. Never far away from extinction, in 2009 only 124 were left. Their numbers began to decline when non-native plants and animals were introduced into their habitat. The survivors live on Codfish and Anchor islands where members of the Kakapo Recovery Programme monitor their progress. The remaining parrots all have names (except for a few chicks). Peter couldn’t find a “Peter” parrot, but he did find a “Lisa” Kakapo, so her name, along with her partner, is inscribed on this fixed edition box figurine. The Latin name, Strigops habroptila, can be found on the lid. Additional carvings include “Resolution” and “Secretary” - two islands undergoing ecological restoration. This means that all non-native plants and animals are being removed. If successful, it is hoped that the Kakapo can be introduced to these islands. |